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Getting Started Videos


AI Course Master Plan Dashboard

Step 1: Validate

Step 2: Outline!

Step 3: Content Creation

Step 4: Sales & Marketing

Chat GPT Prompts

Example Course Design


Course Modules!

Course Lessons!

Course Resources!

Notes Database

Tasks Database

Marketing Detective

Competitor Analysis

Launch Calendar

I always find it’s easier to get clarity on a project when I can visualize the end result. In the section below, I’ve included an example of one of our online course designs. Even though the look and feel may be very different between courses, the core structure is almost always the same. Each lesson will require the same core deliverables which include:

  1. Lesson video
  2. Summary
  3. Additional resources (worksheets, templates, swipe files, infographics, ect.)
  4. Checklists (not mandatory but I strongly recommend it)
  5. Video Transcript (optional)
  6. Audio file of the video (optional)

We also offer a live virtual workshop called Course Creation Blitz where we work together to build your entire online course membership site!

If you would like to see more online course examples check out our portfolio. You can learn more about our course design and development services here.

Prior to the workshop we provide customers with a copy of the course template shown below and by the end of the one day workshop your course will be ready to sell and customized with your branding and content! Click here to learn more about Course Creation Blitz.

  1. Lesson video
  2. Summary
  3. Additional resources (worksheets, templates, swipe files, infographics, ect.)
  4. Checklists (not mandatory but I strongly recommend it)
  5. Video Transcript (optional)
  6. Audio file of the video (optional)